Positioning an insurance carrier as the go-to SME specialist among brokers in the UK market

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I like to work with honest people and I have to say from Alex to all the rest at Midnight, they are all so honest and down to earth, which makes meetings, communication planning and 'brain-dumping' that much easier! Really nice team and great work-ethic, and no egos which is so refreshing! And importantly, some fantastic ideas and implementation that have helped enhance our branding and communications. Thank you team.

Elliott WallisSenior marketing manager, Arch Insurance International

The challenge

How Midnight helped Arch Insurance raise awareness of its brand and become the preference for brokers

The insurance sector has experienced a period of intense M&A activity. As companies merge or acquire other businesses, communicating the changes and maintaining a cohesive brand is challenging. That is, if you don’t have a team like Midnight in your corner.

A global insurance brand, Arch Insurance had acquired a number of businesses and needed help to communicate new messaging and positioning as an SME specialist, raise awareness of its new UK offer with the broker market and build media relationships to support the story of Arch’s growth in the UK. The company also wanted to be seen as an authority on cyber insurance to support a new product launch.

Two people are reviewing a document. One person is holding a pen, while the other is pointing at the text on the paper. A pen and part of a watch are also visible.

How Midnight met the challenge

Our campaign to drive Arch’s objective of bringing together its brands in a cohesive way and communicating its revised messaging and positioning in the UK called into action all of our team’s core skills.

The multi-layered campaign started with building assets, including new website copy and producing and editing video for Arch’s social channels.  

We identified LinkedIn as a pivotal platform for engaging with and building connections with the target market. However, the brand wasn’t on LinkedIn, so we aimed to launch and rapidly grow its LinkedIn presence, supported by organic posting and paid activity.

Building a narrative of a growing brand requires a compelling message consistently delivered. From early in the process of working together, we identified that Arch Insurance’s meaningful point of difference in the market was its combination of a robust and secure parent company supporting regional offices. This message was central to our PR and social activity, designed to raise awareness of Arch’s new offer and drive preference for the brand amongst the UK broker market. It always helps when you look like you’re backing a winner and a constant stream of company news told the story of a growing business.

To position Arch in the right way with its target audiences, a thought leadership campaign aligned current topics and emerging issues with the expertise of spokespeople within the company to gain broader exposure through placed comments and articles. In line with this, our media relations activity focused on building relationships between Arch’s spokespeople and trade media journalists in preparation for taking advantage of PR opportunities when they arose.

Securing coverage to achieve tangible results

London cityscape featuring modern skyscrapers, including the Walkie Talkie, the Cheesegrater, and the Gherkin, under a partly cloudy sky. Cranes are visible indicating ongoing construction.

We don’t just get results. We get Midnight-level results. And by this, we mean tangible, clear-as-day results that can be tracked back to real business objectives. One highlight was our success on LinkedIn, taking Arch’s presence from zero to 5,000 followers in record time. This significantly enhanced the profile and positioning of the brand and was the platform for our highly successful promoted activity.

Through our PR and thought leadership campaign, Arch Insurance was regularly featured across leading insurance trade titles, including Insurance Times, Insurance Age, Insurance Business, The Insurer and Insurance Day.

One cherry on top, however, was securing national coverage in The Times’ Raconteur supplement around blockchain, supporting its objectives of becoming a go-to authority on cyber insurance. The company successfully launched its new cyber product, Cyber Searchlight, to the market.

A growing partnership based on trust and results

We were delighted with how quickly we were able to help Arch establish its positioning as an SME specialist within its target market in a short space of time. 

If you read our success stories, you’ll notice a pattern. An initial brief turns into a partnership lasting much longer as our team quickly becomes trusted to support wider business objectives. 

Our brief with Arch was initially only for a few months, but the relationship of trust we developed with the team and its spokespeople by achieving coverage and results in a short time saw our brief expand to support the brand’s broader business objectives. Arch also asked us to continue working with the team to support its sister brand, Salt Insurance.

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A view of a modern industrial facility featuring complex machinery, pipes, and workers in safety gear inspecting equipment.



London cityscape featuring modern skyscrapers, including the Walkie Talkie, the Cheesegrater, and the Gherkin, under a partly cloudy sky. Cranes are visible indicating ongoing construction.

Arch Insurance


Three colleagues at a table, two women and a man, are looking at a laptop. One woman is pointing at the screen, and the man is taking notes in a notebook.

